
Presentation on The Potential of Euglena in Addressing Social Issues

A commemorative symposium was held online on August 23, 2023, as the theme of "Innovation of Microalgae Culture and Utilization Forms with Acidic Water" in the "Realization Area of Low Carbon Society, a Global Challenge" of JST's Future Society Creation Project in Japan advances to the full-scale phase.

The Full-Scale Research Project of the JST Project for the Creation of Future Society (Miyagishima PJ) is working toward the realization of a low-carbon society by implementing in society the only photosynthetic organism group that lives in sulfuric acidic hot springs, the unicellular red algae, "Cyanidiophyceae" which is a species that lives in hot springs. In this symposium, experts with relevant knowledge on the development and utilization of algae were gathered to give lectures.

As one of the contents, Dr. Kengo Suzuki, CTO of Euglena, gave a presentation titled "The Possibility of Solving Social Issues with Microalgae Euglena. In that part of the presentation, he introduced the SATREPS project and explained the possibility of fuel production using microalgae in Japan.

Part of Dr. Kengo Suzuki's presentation on fuel production demonstration in Mie

During the symposium as a whole, there was a lively discussion on the utilization of microalgae, especially Cyanidiophyceae, and the necessary actions to solve the problems were mentioned.