
Participation in ICPAC Bali 2023 by Euglena Co., Ltd.

Euglena Co., Ltd. was honored to participate in the International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC) Bali 2023. The event took place from September 12th to 17th, 2023, in Bali, Indonesia. It was organized jointly by Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM), Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI), and the Foundation for Interaction between Science and Technology (FIST) Japan. The Congress aimed to cover all areas of pure and applied chemistry, with a specific focus on "Advancing Chemical Science for Sustainability & Environmental Protection in Asia and the Pacific."

Dr. Kengo Suzuki represented Euglena Co., Ltd., presenting the topic "Potential of polysaccharide paramylon contained in microalgae Euglena as a biopolymer." Dr. Suzuki's presentation aimed to shed light on the immense potential of the polysaccharide paramylon found in microalgae Euglena, particularly its capabilities as a biopolymer. The discussion further delved into Euglena Co., Ltd.’s ongoing Satreps project in Indonesia, which was launched this fiscal year.

Polysaccharide Paramylon: The unique characteristics of this naturally occurring polysaccharide and its potential as a biodegradable, sustainable material were discussed.

Electron microscope image of paramylon

Satreps Project: An overview was provided on the project in Indonesia, with a focus on harnessing the unique properties of Euglena for various applications.The advanced fermentation technologies employed by Euglena Co., Ltd. were also highlighted.

The presentation was followed by a robust discussion with the audience. Participants showed a keen interest in the scalable applications of paramylon. Questions were also raised about the economic feasibility of the Satreps project in Indonesia and its alignment with local environmental policies.

Euglena Co., Ltd.'s participation in ICPAC Bali 2023 was a fruitful endeavor, offering an invaluable platform to discuss and explore the role of microalgae Euglena in advancing the fields of sustainability and applied chemistry. We are grateful for the engaging discussions and feedback, which we believe will be instrumental in refining our research and applications going forward.