Euglena Malaysia team participated in Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Malaysia 2024


Euglena Malaysia team participated in the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Malaysia 2024 (HIC MY 2024), focusing on leveraging technological advancements in agriculture to enhance Malaysia’s food resilience. The event showcased research and innovations in aquaculture, key food crops, and livestock, aiming to draw attention from corporations and governments for cross-border collaborations. This initiative is critical for advancing agricultural technology and securing national food security. The conference encouraged participation from academia, offering a platform for researchers, faculty, and students to present their findings. Event Summary The event on February 24th spanned from 09:00 to 18:

Euglena Co., Ltd., establishes production system for new material “Aurantiochytrium” and starts commercial production


Euglena Co., Ltd., leveraging its expertise in mass algae cultivation, is pleased to announce the establishment of a production system for a new material, “Aurantiochytrium,” and the commencement of its commercial production. This development marks a significant step in the exploration of Aurantiochytrium’s potential across various applications, including food ingredient sales and contracted cultivation and production. Based in Tokyo’s Minato Ward and led by CEO Mitsuru Izumo, Euglena Co. has utilized its algae mass cultivation technology to construct a production system for Aurantiochytrium, a microalga rich in DHA and known for its sea