Exploiting the Potential of Ternatin through Advanced AI and Collaborative Research with Memory Lab


Introduction:The joint research initiative between Memory Lab Inc. and Euglena Co., has delved into the exploration of Ternatin, a compound found in Butterfly Pea, using generative AI to identify various realms of potential application. Ternatin, known for its vivid color and potential health benefits, has recently seen a surge in research, especially within the healthcare sector. The scope of its application ranges from pharmaceuticals to innovative drug delivery systems. As the global health & wellness market continues to grow, Ternatin stands at the forefront, promising significant opportunities for businesses aiming to leverage its p

Tasting of “2040 Sustainable Ramen” with the participation of children who aspire to space


On October 29, 2023, a noteworthy event took place at X-NIHONBASHI BASE, Tokyo, spearheaded by the YAC Tokyo Nihonbashi division and Euglena Co., Ltd. The central theme revolved around envisioning the future of space cuisine, particularly targeting the year 2040, and engaging children in this imaginative and educational endeavor. The YAC Tokyo Nihonbashi division is a newly established division in Tokyo after 14 years, aimed at providing real-space experiences to children under the philosophy of the Japan Space Boys and Girls Association (YAC). This division, operated by the space community

Presented at International Strategy Lecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Microalgae Euglena in the Startup Market


Title: Microalgae Euglena in the Startup Market: A Fermi-Estimate Based Business Insight Date: October 28, 2023 Prepared by: Kengo Suzuki, Co-founder, Euglena Co., Ltd. Presented at: International Strategy Lecture, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, hosted by VI Project Professor Yoshiaki Ikenoue. Abstract: On October 28, 2023, a presentation was delivered in the International Strategy Lecture at Tohoku University, aimed at nurturing the analytical and strategic mindset of students from diverse academic disciplines, not confined to the Faculty of Engineering. The lecture, pivotal for understanding global strategies, was en

Overview of Cislunar Space: Unveiling the Next Frontier


Cislunar space, the area encompassing Earth and its lunar companion, is swiftly emerging as a hotspot for both exploratory and commercial aspirations. The fervor surrounding this next frontier was palpable in a recent space-focused ASCEND 2023 (powed by AIAA) conference session, where luminaries from diverse spheres converged to dissect the opportunities, hurdles, and future trajectory of cislunar activities. The discussion transcended near-term ventures, casting a visionary gaze toward a collaborative space ecosystem by 2050. I. Exploratory and Commercial Venture Insights: Technological Challenges: The path to successful cislunar exploration is laden with technical challenges, key amo

Panel Discussion Report – Lunar Industry Vision at 2023 ASCEND Conference


The 2023 ASCEND (Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery) Conference powered by AIAA held in Las Vegas, Nevada from 23 to 25 October was a confluence of industry luminaries, governmental leaders, educators, students, and space enthusiasts.Among the various insightful sessions was a panel discussion titled “Lunar Industry Vision: What Incentivizes Other Industries to Enter the Lunar Market?” in reference to the emerging lunar market and the incentives for non-space related companies to enter the lunar market. Title: “Lunar Industry Vision: What Incentivizes Other Industries to Enter the Lunar Market?” Panelists:

Okinawa Butterfly Pea Symposium


Okinawa-based Butterfly Pea Research Institute, Ltd., organized the “Okinawa Butterfly Pea Symposium” in Naha City, Okinawa. The symposium was dedicated to discussing the unique characteristics and potential of the butterfly pea plant. Euglena Co. Highlights the Potential of Butterfly Pea at Okinawa Symposium. Okinawa, known for its rich subtropical biodiversity, presents both challenges and opportunities stemming from its insular nature, combined with the positive impacts of its traditional food culture on longevity. The butterfly pea, a leguminous plant, is gaining traction as a promising new product of Okinawa, with high hopes for its industriali