Euglena Co., Ltd. have identified one of the factors that affect the livers of mice during spaceflight!

■ At the Forefront of Space Development In September 2021, the American company SpaceX achieved civilian spaceflight. What’s truly remarkable is that the spacecraft, “Crew Dragon,” which achieved this spaceflight, had only civilian crew members who underwent just about six months of training. After a three-day space journey, it safely returned to Earth. Crew Dragon docking with the ISS (©NASA) Spaceflight is no longer a distant dream for ordinary people, and the future of humanity living in space is becoming increasingly visible. However, there are still numerous challenges to be resolved for full-fl

【Column】 Body Oxidation and Antioxidant Activity


When you pick up health-related products like dietary supplements or cosmetics, do you pay attention to their “antioxidant activity”? Even if you do, many of you might not be familiar with its exact meaning. Today, we’ll provide a brief explanation of bodily oxidation and the role of antioxidant activity. As you may already know, living organisms, including humans, need to breathe to survive. But have you ever wondered why we need to breathe in the first place? If you thought, “To take in oxygen,” you’re absolutely correct. The human body is constructed through a multitud

【Material Introduction】 Ergothioneine


In this article, we will introduce one of the antioxidants, ergothioneine. ■What is Ergothioneine? Ergothioneine is a natural compound classified as a rare amino acid derivative. It is produced by certain microorganisms such as some mushrooms, koji molds, and actinomycetes, and humans can only incorporate it into their bodies by consuming these foods. Structure of Ergothioneine Ergothioneine is known for its exceptionally strong antioxidant activity. It is said to have up to 30 times higher scavenging ability for reactive oxygen species compared to glutathione, which is the most abundant antioxidant in th

Introducing “Flavor Oyster Euglena” with a Unique Twist


Recently, Euglena Co., Ltd. and Umino Co., Ltd. have jointly developed “Flavor Oyster Euglena” by combining two sustainable ingredients, Euglena and oysters. “Flavor Oyster” is created using a unique technology jointly patented by Umino Co., Ltd. and three other companies. This technology takes advantage of two key characteristics: oysters mistakenly ingest non-water-soluble fine powder suspended in the breeding water, and even after harvesting, oysters retain their intestinal contents. These properties allow for the incorporation of various materials to enhance flavor effectively. With this technology, we have created “Flavor Oy