Introducing “Pararesin”: Biomass Plastic Derived from Microalgae


As the trend of charging for plastic bags at convenience stores and supermarkets gains momentum, there is a growing focus on transitioning away from traditional plastics in favor of a new material called “Pararesin.” Traditional petroleum-based plastic products have long been associated with environmental issues due to their significant carbon emissions during production and disposal. These issues, including the global problem of marine plastic pollution, have prompted a reevaluation of our reliance on conventional plastics. In response to this, biomass plastics, which utilize renewable resources, have emerged as a promising alternative to reduce envir

Application of microalgae Euglena to oyster aquaculture scene


1. Introduction Background: Umino Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Minami-cho, Kaifu District, Tokushima Prefecture, CEO: Tomoharu Nakamura) is known for its com